This case study is about Zee, a devoted wife and mother who was struggling with work-life balance, taking all the work stress home with her.
Zee’s journey is a story of recognising when you need help, putting trust in others and remaining committed to your personal development even when it can seem like you have exhausted all options.
She knew she needed to make a huge change, but did not know where to start.
I am unbelievably grateful for Zee trusting me with her journey and I am so incredibly proud of her transformation!
Zee really struggled with having a clear boundary between her professional and personal life.
Zee stated, “whatever happened in work, I would bring it home”
The continuing stress from her work life, with no tools to manage it, took a toll on her relationships with both her husband and son:
“I didn't want to come home and not be nice to my husband and shout at my kid for no real reason.”
I know Zee’s story of feeling stressed and exhausted, left with very little capacity to deal with any challenges by the time she came home, being sent over the edge over insignificant things, is something that many people can resonate with.
When Zee and I chatted during her discovery call, it was very apparent that above all, she wanted to become a more present and joyous mother. She simply wanted to return home from work with renewed energy and be ready to engage in meaningful moments with her boy
“I wanted to have fun with my kid and not to come home all stressed and just have the time, energy to be with him and have fun.”
This sounds so simple in nature, but Zee knew that to achieve this, she had to make a change. She was just unsure of how or where to start.
Despite numerous attempts to change, Zee had struggled to have a real transformation and lasting change. She felt sceptical about what was possible for her. But as we spoke on that call, this quickly dissipated.
“When we first spoke, I actually don't really cry in front of people, but I was crying at that time because when we started talking about the programme and what it can do for me, it just was so overwhelming, and I don't know, it was just like a little line I could grab, and feel like I can get better and I can actually get there.”
I understood the worries that Zee had and reassured her that there was no pressure to make an immediate decision. As I always do, I allowed her the time she needed to reflect on the commitment.
Zee knew then that my programme was the right opportunity for her and she quickly began implementing the tools into her life.
The flexibility of my programme and studio space means that sessions can either be in person or remote. But Zee and I always met in person, which she really benefited from.
Equipped with new found knowledge about habit formation, Zee seamlessly integrated the techniques and personal strategies into her daily routine and adapted the programme to fit her needs.
“It wasn't just the things you told me to do, it was the suggestion how to fit it into my daily schedule, which I would not think about before.”
I worked with Zee on drawing a clear line between work and her personal life. I provided tools which empowered her to be a more relaxed and energised mother.
Zee now says, “not every day is perfect, but even on the worst days I feel like I can just get through it and I know I'll be able to deal with it.”
The programme equipped her with the tools to become the compassionate and nurturing mother she had always aspired to be.
Not only that but to Zee’s delight, her son shared positive feedback on the change he saw in his mother. Zee’s son expressed his joy at witnessing her newfound happiness and mentions that even on tough work days, her kindness remains the same.
Working with Zee has been a wonderful journey and I have loved watching her create boundaries to serve her, reframe and overcome the stress and anxiety she was experiencing.
Working on her deep core values was a revelation to Zee. It allowed her to let go of stresses she was carrying because of other people’s expectations and childhood conditioning, as she realised these things she was made to care about, weren’t remotely important to her.
When I asked Zee her final thoughts on the programme she said:
“I know there is a structure to it and you have the structure in the program, but every week I came to you it felt like it's very personal. Like you actually took the time to consider my situation and make it very personal because I could see you reflecting on stuff we spoke about the previous weeks and that felt really good.”
Zee continues with, “...the stuff you taught me, I know I can take it and just keep doing these things and I know it's going to be a longer process, but already the three months they've made so much difference and as just, it's been a great journey.”
If you want to hear from Steph herself, click to watch her full video testimonial!
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